The Lighting Master Plan integration with Master Plan

case study: Singapore and Putrajaya




Urban lighting, Lighting master plan, Urban master plan, Landscape, City marketing, Night landscaping


A city landscape and its silhouette should emphasize its nightly identity. The urban lighting Master Plan should be thought together with a conceptual elaboration of the Master Plan to maintain a relationship between a night landscape and a daytime landscape, reading the elements together as whole. This work aims to demonstrate that the Lighting Master Plans should accompany Master Plans. In a first moment it is discussed the new concepts of urban lighting according to the theories of L'Urbanisme Lumiére and the City Beautification. As a case study the Lighting Master Plans of Putrajaya and Singapore are presented which demonstrate their compliance with their respective Master Plans. Both use lighting as a tool for the hierarchy of roads and buildings, emphasize their organic forms and maritime fronts, prioritize pedestrian lighting and use the lighting as an urban marketing tool based on the interests of the market logic reproduction.


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Author Biography

  • Mariana Lima, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

    Possui Graduação em Arqutietura e Urbanismo pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ/1995). Mestrado em Projeto de Interiores, com ênfase em iluminação, pela Universidad de Salamanca (Espanha/1998), Doutorado em Eficiência Energética pela Universidad Politenica de Cataluña (Espanha/2009). Professora Adjunta da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) no Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (DAU/IT). Tem experiência na área de Conforto Ambiental (térmico, lumínico e acústico) atuando principalmente nos temas de Iluminação Pública, Estudo do microclima urbano e Biourbanismo


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How to Cite

Lima, M. (2018). The Lighting Master Plan integration with Master Plan: case study: Singapore and Putrajaya. Paisagem E Ambiente, 41, 11-34.