Urbanização de encostas: projetando a arquitetura da paisagem
Environment and landscape are not considered in the brazilian cities design. Since the first explorers arrived, sceneries of mountains and hills are exalted, but the contemporary urbanization camouflages the form of the sites and destroys the urban habitat. The slopes of hills and mountains are, by excellence, landscape arquitecture subject: "we can not hide a city built over a hill" (Mt 5, 14), for good or evil, to wonder or desolate, depending on the observer. The environmental landscape must be composed by hills and mountains seen from the sea and from the riverbeds; with the economic factors founded on the environmental and landscape features: these places will be remembered forever. Without such an identity we cannot say that a city has a landscape character: The personality of a place is founded on the attitude of who has built it; on the sympathy they had treated living beings and the environment, in the value they attributed to it. The value (ethic and aesthetics) is the philosophic parameter of landscape architecture. All projects must be committed to the site and its elements: lowlands, heights, prominences - privileged places to locate belvederes; drainage basins - privileged places to locate water conservation parks; aiming at biological diversityDescargas
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Cómo citar
Afonso, S. (2001). Urbanização de encostas: projetando a arquitetura da paisagem. Paisagem E Ambiente, 14, 43-78. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2359-5361.v0i14p43-78