Arquitetura das árvores: construindo com a natureza


  • Jualiana Castro
  • Alina Santiago Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo



Human beings have always needed to modify the nature, keeping themselves away from its natural organization. Nowadays the necessity for direct contact remains - even with the distance imposed by the creation of cities - because its part of human condition. Gardens were created to establish this relation, which mediates spontaneous beauty of natural shapes and ordination act that requires human perception. Gardens are human architecture expression through natural elements. This work aims at studying and understanding the natural elements as architecture production tools. Simulating different project situations associated with landscape composition. In order to study and apply a methodology, a Botanical Garden was designed. Botanical garden was chosen as case study because it allows not only the contact between human being and nature for leisure, but also for research matters. Due to the scientific purpose designing project becomes more complex since specific vegetal species have to be used. Firstly, forms of vegetal composition were defined. These forms were related with isolated elements and groups. The usage of plants was associated with desired perception to which place. Different project situations were simulated by the application of composite parameters through perspective drawings, creating the desired places and defining the vegetable species that fits better to the chosen composition. Classification patterns were created to choose the vegetal species relating them to the form, function and time characteristics


Author Biographies

  • Jualiana Castro
    Arquiteta graduada na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Alina Santiago, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo
    Doutora, arquiteta, professora do Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina






How to Cite

Castro, J., & Santiago, A. (2001). Arquitetura das árvores: construindo com a natureza. Paisagem E Ambiente, 14, 95-110.