Open space systems and urban drainage

an example of integration between sustainable rainwater management and urban planning




Open space systems, Sustainable urban drainage, Mangue Canal Watershed, Maracanã River


In the last decades, the traditional view of urban drainage has been modified by an integrated approach of sustainable urban drainage management and urban planning. Open space systems appear as actors of environmental integration, providing opportunities to create multifunctional projects, combining drainage solutions with the urban growth and the union of fragmented areas. In this work, the object of study is Xavier de Brito Square, located in the Tijuca neighborhood, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Considering its surroundings and the most affected areas by floods, this work proposes a route along the Maracanã River, to connect Xavier de Brito Square to other adjacent squares, seeking to improve the connection between the urban space and the river, integrating the existing open spaces. In addition, sustainable urban drainage measures were proposed, such as permeable pavements, rain gardens, and detention basins. With the aid of mathematical modeling, it was possible to analyze the effects of the proposed measures facing flood events.


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How to Cite

Battemarco, B. P., Yamamoto, L., Veról, A. P., Rêgo, A., Vasconcellos, V., & Miguez, M. G. (2018). Open space systems and urban drainage: an example of integration between sustainable rainwater management and urban planning. Paisagem E Ambiente, 42, 55-74.