Best management practices performance's analysis for the constitution of greenways in Fortaleza - CE




Green Infrastructure, Urban Resilience. Best Management Practices, Greenways


Aguanambi Avenue is in the city of Fortaleza, CE, and it is susceptible to flooding on rainy season. Green infrastructure is an important alternative to complement conventional infrastructure and consolidate urban resilience. With the main goal to propose the greenway’s implementation in Fortaleza’s road system, this research has developed a method to analyze the performance of Best Management Practices in mobility corridors. The proposal has distributed management techniques according to the road hierarchy established by the Land Use and Occupancy Law. The precipitation volume admitted is 65.2mm / h, with 10-year return time. The bioswales had better performance in express and arterial streets, with greater size; the rain gardens and flowerbeds responded better in collectors and local roads, considered of smaller size.


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Author Biography

  • Raquel Moraes Vitor Cortez, Universidade de Fortaleza (Unifor), Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo

    Docente em Arquitetura e Urbanismo e Mestra em ciências da Cidade


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How to Cite

Cortez, R. M. V., Moura, N. C. B. de, & Machado, C. de O. J. (2019). Best management practices performance’s analysis for the constitution of greenways in Fortaleza - CE. Paisagem E Ambiente, 30(43), e146647.