Analysis of the environmental equilibrium spaces of the central region of Vila Velha-ES




Public space, Urban experience, Green areas, Environmental equilibirium spaces


The city of Vila Velha underwent a process of accelerated urbanization that, together with the lack of urban planning and real estate valuation, replaced natural environments with built spaces that do not favor the health and quality of life of the population. In this context, this article aims to analyze the green spaces, considered in this work as "spaces of environmental equilibrium" of the Central Region of the municipality. The methodology was based on the mapping of the areas, considering Mendonça (2015), with the aid of the ArcGIS program, with reference to the master plan, satellite image and local visits. The analysis found that the spaces of environmental equilibrium of the Regional are not well distributed and are concentrated in the areas of permanent preservation (APP). It is also noteworthy the importance of potential spaces that can be used to supply the shortage of these areas. Thus, it ishoped to contribute to further research and future interventions in the free spaces of the city.


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How to Cite

Ramos, L. L. A., Palhano, P. S. T., & Ramos, S. R. (2019). Analysis of the environmental equilibrium spaces of the central region of Vila Velha-ES. Paisagem E Ambiente, 30(43), e148365.