Visitor’s use of space and behavior as indicator of zoos open spaces performance




Zoological gardens, Open spaces, Environmental quality


Providing a qualified space is considered essential for the fulfillment of the education and entertainment functions of zoos. However, there is a shortage of studies that address spatial quality in these institutions, based on assessments involving people. Therefore, this research aims to verify how the open spaces of zoological gardens are apprehended and experienced, identifying which physical-spatial elements of these environments intensify the use of space and can be related to the perception of environmental quality. The work adopts a qualitative and quantitative methodological approach and is conducted from a case study, the Zoological Park of the FZB/RS. The use and preferences of visitors are considered as environmental performance measures.


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Espaços Livres

How to Cite

Balleste, S. M., & Naoumova, N. (2018). Visitor’s use of space and behavior as indicator of zoos open spaces performance. Paisagem E Ambiente, 42, 117-133.