THE use of green and blue infrastructure for urban revitalization and to improve management of Rainwater

the case of the Comprido river sub-basin




Green and blue infrastructures, Urban revitalization, Multifunctionality, Urban drainage, Comprido River


The expansion of urban areas and the pressure on land use have changed the ecological and ecosystemic functions of the environment. Adaptive strategies such as the establishment of green and blue infrastructure can reduce the adverse effects of anthropic actions, as well as provide health and quality of life benefits to the population. These strategies are more sustainable, economical, multifunctional and flexible alternatives than traditional solutions. Among the various functions that green and blue infrastructure can assume, this work highlights the capacity for reducing the hydraulic risk allied to revitalization of the urban environment, through the establishment of urban parks, restoration of vegetation and interconnection of green areas with new leisure areas. For this analysis, interventions were proposed in the Comprido River sub-basin, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, considering the river as a structuring element of the landscape. These interventions were simulated through a mathematical model called MODCEL, which allows estimating flood heights in current and design scenarios. As a result, the authors observed that despite the limited open spaces, the multifunctionality of the green and blue infrastructure introduces several improvements for society.


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How to Cite

Guimarães, L. F., Oliveira, A. K. B. de, Veríssimo, L. de F., Merlo, M. L., & Vérol, A. P. (2018). THE use of green and blue infrastructure for urban revitalization and to improve management of Rainwater: the case of the Comprido river sub-basin. Paisagem E Ambiente, 42, 75-95.