Evidences of plant blindness in a Brazilian urban green space with plaqued trees





Environmental perception, Plant biodiversity, Parks and squares, São Paulo


Plant blindness is a recurrent issue in many urban green spaces. As an element of biodiversity perception, it is socially and individually determined. This paper brings up evidences of plant blindness through a quali-quantitative analysis of 49 interviews on an urban green area of the São Paulo state whose several trees have been recently plaqued. Respondents were not able to correctly identify plant elements and undervalued richness of different types of plants. Despite pointing out the necessity of green spaces in improving quality of life, respondents underestimated the importance of maintaining not only a green space, but a biodiverse one. We discuss the perception of a “good” green space is less associated with species richness, and more with passers-by expectations on a green space and with an innate plant blindness. We suppose informative plaques may play a role in reduce plant blindness, since plaques individualize plants that were once seen as components of a monotonous green landscape.


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Meio Ambiente

How to Cite

Colli-Silva, M., Corsi, A. C. S., Florentino, J. de J., Teixeira, L. A., & Ursi, S. (2019). Evidences of plant blindness in a Brazilian urban green space with plaqued trees. Paisagem E Ambiente, 30(43), e151370. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2359-5361.paam.2019.151370