Urban morphology as an instrument for the reconstruction of Bento Rodrigues





Bento Rodrigues, Urban morphology, Reconstruction


The village of Bento Rodrigues, a sub-district of Mariana, in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, with about 600 inhabitants, was devastated by the tailings of the Fundão dam in November 2015. The risk of future disasters and uncertainty about their toxicity made impossible the reconstruction of the settlement at the original site, starting the settlement process in a new site, called Lavoura. The conception of the urban project for this resettlement included the active participation of the population, which demanded the neighborhood relationship and the road system established in the old sub-district as fundamental elements for the plan. Even with similarities in the layout, the new landscape is not equivalent to the previous one experienced by residents, due to the different physical aspects between the two locations. This article aims to analyze the case of the reconstruction of Bento Rodrigues, which, with the application of the structuring elements of urban morphology in both contexts, can present more suitable conditions for the implementation of urban projects for areas affected by disasters


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How to Cite

Teixeira, M. C. V., Medeiros, M. B. ., & Pereira, A. B. M. (2020). Urban morphology as an instrument for the reconstruction of Bento Rodrigues. Paisagem E Ambiente, 31(45), e164913. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2359-5361.paam.2020.164913