Native trees plant palette of Rodrigo Facio campus, University of Costa Rica
Vegetable palette. Native trees. Landscape architecture. Botany. Design of outdoor spaces.Abstract
A plant palette is conceived as the inventory of species of a specific place. This inventory describes the botanical and landscape characteristics of the species and is a key working tool for Landscape Architects. Even though Costa Rica encompasses a high ecological biodiversity, there is still a tendency to use non-native species for exterior design. Moreover, scarce literature is found about Costa Rican urban arboriculture. University of Costa Rica Rodrigo Facio Campus (SRF for its Spanish acronym), with an extension of 90 hectare, shelters a great variety of trees from all over the country. This Campus works as a research laboratory for assessing the native trees of Costa Rica. The general objective of the present work was to elaborate a plant palette of the native trees of the SRF that allows to show the diversity of the site and functions as a reference for similar life zones. As a result, 7.917 individuals were identified and mapped, 78% of them were native trees distributed in 57 families and 207 species, the most abundant were Acnistus arborescens and Tabebuia rosea individuals. This study is a guide that aids to establish landscape design criteria and generate strategies to improve the natural patrimony.
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