Integration of green infrastructure in the Lichinga´s city planning: potentialities and conditionings




Green infraestructure, Territorial planning, Territorial management, Collaborative approach, Urban expansion


The rapid growth of “urban expansion” of Mozambican cities is characterized by the effacement of green areas, in the face of inexistent or  inappropriate urban afforestation. This article was based on a qualitative approach, focusing on the potentialities and possibilities of Green Infrastructure for territory ordination and development strategy, looking at the context of Lichinga Municipality (Mozambique). Is important to insert Green Infrastructure in the city planning to improve the quality of life, being an alternative to mitigate the degradation of the urban landscape, besides of providing essential environmental services for the sustainability of cities and the resilience of communities. Hence, the importance of territory  managing and planning approach which from a collaborative approach, prioritizes areas for the implementation of Green Infrastructure, understood as a factor of spatial planning and development of the municipality. The delimitation of areas for the implementation of green infrastructure should observe the characteristics of the biophysical base of the territory, taking into account the prevailing environmental problems, as well as meeting the interests and concerns of segments of the population.


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How to Cite

Masquete, J. A., & Chande, G. M. C. (2022). Integration of green infrastructure in the Lichinga´s city planning: potentialities and conditionings. Paisagem E Ambiente, 33(49), e186480.