Desenho de paisagem urbana: as cidades médias do interior central paulista


  • Paula da Cruz Landim Universidade Estadual Paulista; Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunicação



This work focuses the homogeneity of the urban landscape of the cities of medium size in the countryside of the state of São Paulo. The formal images of the great cities are represented in a specific way in the urban landscape of the medium cities, evidenciating the formal and functional reflexes of the landscapes of the great centres over the landscape of the cities of the countryside, generating values related to its formal and visual aspects. The morphologic structure of these cities is homogeneous due to the reflexes of the socio-cultural dominant patterns present in the landscapes of the centres with larger socio-economic influence, that generate aesthetic values for the urban space use related to the formal and visual aspects present in its landscapes. The landscape of the medium city from São Paulo state is then homogeneous as a consequence of this form of homogeneous occupation, which is due to the standardized codes of work and managing plans, as well as to similar cycles of development, what results in uniform urbanization patterns, associated to the similar architectural and used material typologies. In opposition to the homogeneous landscape, the development of aesthetic values starting from environmental conditions and local characteristics can be useful as good tools for making differentiated urbanistic/landscape projects proper for each city.






Paisagem Urbana

How to Cite

Landim, P. da C. (2002). Desenho de paisagem urbana: as cidades médias do interior central paulista . Paisagem E Ambiente, 16, 109-133.