A divisão natural das paisagens brasileiras


  • Euler Sandeville Jr. Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo; Departamento de Projeto




This article elaborates a revision of relevant aspects of the biogeography and the ecology for an appropriate understanding of the natural dynamics of the vegetation in Brazil, in aim at organizing the nature in an intelligible logic, due to the progresses of the industrial capitalism. The valorization of the nature is today an appealing theme, and the possibility of subdividing it in coherent units is one of the bases of the scientific approach of the landscape, and prerequisite, in the current knowledge model, for its study, interpretation and even for application in works of environmental planning. The modem search of a nested nature and at the same time unified is reconstituted here starting from the division in areas and other natural units of the brazilian territory. It is noticed that the nation notion frequently permeates the discussions, appreciation and interpretations of the nature. The article is part of the chapters of my doctoral theory, where the cultural aspects mentioned here are deepened.


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How to Cite

Sandeville Jr., E. (2004). A divisão natural das paisagens brasileiras . Paisagem E Ambiente, 18, 71-98. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2359-5361.v0i18p71-98