Milton Santos and the Landscape: Parameters for to Construct One Criticism of Contemporaneous Landscape


  • Angelo Serpa Universidade Federal da Bahia



Milton Santos, Contemporaneous landscape, Criticism of builder landscape, Urban space, Objects systems and action systems.


The article tries to rescue the main ideas of teacher Milton Santos text of his conference in the II National Meeting of Landscape Planning Teaching into Brazilian Architecture and Urbanism Schools, that happened in São Paulo University Architecture and Urbanism School, on 1995. These ideas are the starting-point to the two questions that direct the article: how to do a criticism of contemporaneous landscape? How can teaching and search in Landscape planning contribute to construct the parameters for this criticism? The main hypothesis is that there is no possibility to construct one criticism of contemporaneous landscape without a dense criticism of the space and the whole structure. The article conclude that one landscape criticism constructed on the presented premises points to parameters construction that may show the invisible of visible urban patterns, though social-spatial arrangements and considering the technical objects in a globalize and systematic way. It is necessary to revel the value systems that base the actions of different agents and groups that produce spaces and that is behind the object systems.


Author Biography

  • Angelo Serpa, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    Professor adjunto, doutor do Departamento de Geografia da Universidade Federal da Bahia, pesquisador
    do CNPq.






How to Cite

Serpa, A. (2010). Milton Santos and the Landscape: Parameters for to Construct One Criticism of Contemporaneous Landscape. Paisagem E Ambiente, 27, 131-138.