Study of Urbanization in Areas of Landsline Risk at the Recreio São Jorge and Novo Recreio Neighborhoods, of the Cabuçu Region, in the Guarulhos Township, State of São Paulo, Brazil
Urbanization, Risk, Landslide, Land use, Guarulhos.Abstract
This article, developed at the Master´s Program in Geoenvironmental Analysis of the Guarulhos University, presents an urbanization study in areas under landslide risk at the Recreio São Jorge and Novo Recreio neighborhoods, in the city of Guarulhos, State of São Paulo, Brazil. This study adopted the Taquara do Reino watershed as an urban planning unit and considered the zoning map of landslide risk restrictions to land use. This study resulted in the elaboration of an urbanization alternative as a practical test for the studied criteria, considering the need to improve environmental conditions of land use in that watershed.Downloads
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How to Cite
Sato, S. E., Oliveira, A. M. dos S., Sayawa, S. B., Herling, T. B. R., Moretti, R. de S., & Gomes, G. L. da C. e C. (2011). Study of Urbanization in Areas of Landsline Risk at the Recreio São Jorge and Novo Recreio Neighborhoods, of the Cabuçu Region, in the Guarulhos Township, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Paisagem E Ambiente, 29, 57-82.