Occurrence and appropriation of the project lines in atelier of landscape


  • Ana Elisa Moraes Souto Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul.
  • Fabiano de Vargas Scherer Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul.




Landscape architectural project. Structures of the spaces. Conception open space.


This article treats of the occurrence process and appropriation on the part of the students of the degree course in Architecture and Urbanization of the concepts, of the characteristics and of the principal tied examples the lines historical projetuais of development of the landscape desing in Brazil. More specifically it treats of the experience in class room in the atelier of the discipline of Landscape II- of the degree course in Architecture and Urbanization of the University of Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC. Leaving of the projects accomplished by the students it is questioned the structure lack and the lack of the establishment of relationships among the component elements of the project. It is also questioned the ignorance on the part of the student of the relationship among architectural project and landscape designs, as well as of the particularities of the last. And it is pointed out the importance of the knowledge of the landscape lines, of referenciais, that serve as base in the conception and in the development, as well as they aid in the connection of the relationships of the landscape projects.


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Author Biographies

  • Ana Elisa Moraes Souto, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul.

    Arquiteta. Msc. Doutoranda em Teoria História e Crítica de Arquitetura – PROPAR/UFRGS. Professora na Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, UNISC, na área de Projeto.

  • Fabiano de Vargas Scherer, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul.

    Arquiteto. Msc. Professor na Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, UNISC, na área de Projeto.



How to Cite

Souto, A. E. M., & Scherer, F. de V. (2007). Occurrence and appropriation of the project lines in atelier of landscape. Paisagem E Ambiente, 24, 363-370. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2359-5361.v0i24p363-370