The shape and caracter of the vegetation in the landscape reconstruction of passeio público


  • Jeanne Almeida da Trindade Universidade Estácio de Sá.



Restoration. Historic garden. Vegetation.


The Passeio Público of Rio de Janeiro city is considered the first public space with a designed garden in Brazil, built for the social living of the population. During its existence it alternated in periods of good conservation and total abandon, in such a way that, in the beginning of the 21st Century, Rio de Janeiro city council decided to contract the project and as well as the work of restoration of the Passeio Público with the intention of returning this space completely renewed to the population. This paper aims to present a methodology used to guide the maintenance decisions, removal and re-planting of the vegetation of this important Brazilian historical garden.


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Author Biography

  • Jeanne Almeida da Trindade, Universidade Estácio de Sá.

    Arquiteta Urbanista; Especialista em Planejamento Ambiental e Paisagístico; Mestre em Ciências da Arquitetura. Assistente da Fundação Parques e Jardins. Professora de Teoria e História do Paisagismo e Planejamento Paisagístico da Universidade Estácio de Sá.



How to Cite

Trindade, J. A. da. (2007). The shape and caracter of the vegetation in the landscape reconstruction of passeio público. Paisagem E Ambiente, 24, 387-396.