Open spaces and public life spatialities: a conceptual proposal to the research of the country's urban open spaces system


  • Akemi Hijioka
  • Antonio Augusto Delfim da Silva Santos
  • Danielle Klintowitz
  • Eugenio Fernandes Queiroga
  • Fábio Robba
  • Fany Cutcher Galender
  • Helena Napoleon Degreas
  • Karla Lopez Blanco Alvarez
  • Kim Ordonha Cyrillo
  • Lucila Lopes Cerqueira
  • Maria Helena F. Preto
  • Naiara Luchini de Assis Kaimoti
  • Natália Pimenta Mambrini
  • Paulo Barreiros de Oliveira
  • Roberto Sakamoto Rezende de Souza
  • Sílvio Soares Macedo
  • Sirlene Barbosa de Brito
  • Ulisses Dias Cambraia Sardão
  • Vanderli Custódio



Space. Landscape. Open spaces system. Spatial practices


This paper is the result of the first part of the newest stage of projeto Quapá – Quadro do Paisagismo no Brasil in developing at FAUUSP. Nowadays the main subject of the research is the discussion of the adequate concepts to the open and green spaces in a brazilian urban reality and to investigate how it has been its development in the main brazilian cities.


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How to Cite

Hijioka, A., Santos, A. A. D. da S., Klintowitz, D., Queiroga, E. F., Robba, F., Galender, F. C., Degreas, H. N., Alvarez, K. L. B., Cyrillo, K. O., Cerqueira, L. L., Preto, M. H. F., Kaimoti, N. L. de A., Mambrini, N. P., Oliveira, P. B. de, Souza, R. S. R. de, Macedo, S. S., Brito, S. B. de, Sardão, U. D. C., & Custódio, V. (2007). Open spaces and public life spatialities: a conceptual proposal to the research of the country’s urban open spaces system. Paisagem E Ambiente, 23, 116-123.