The configuration of the public street interfering in the use of the plaza: the case of housing developments in Teresina


  • Wilza Gomes Reis Lopes
  • Marta Raquel da Silva Alves
  • Giuliana de Brito Sousa



Open space. Commerce. Appropriation


Commerce and spaces of leisure already had been together for much time, in the Average Age the market assumed the role that today fits to the square of collective space of leisure. Today the market acquires the consumption function eminently, more is not lived deeply the environment and the people. The incessant search for the profit, or same for the survival, moves our society and each place that can potentially relieve money is explored to the maximum. Located houses next to moving streets are changedded quickly into commercial points, modifying the configuration of a space created for housing in commerce environment. But these ways are not populated only by private establishments, them also present public spaces, that suffer the consequences of these alterations. The present work presents a study of three squares located in the habitacionais sets Itararé, Piauí Park and Promorar Park, in the city of Teresina, Piauí, observing as the changes in the original function of the streets of entorno, that they had been projected, initially, as surrounding residential, have modified the performance of the public spaces.


Author Biographies

  • Wilza Gomes Reis Lopes

    Arquiteta, professora doutora do Departamento de Construção Civil e Arquitetura/Centro de Tecnologia da UFPI.

  • Marta Raquel da Silva Alves
    Acadêmica de arquitetura e urbanismo, Centro de Tecnologia/UFPI.
  • Giuliana de Brito Sousa
    Acadêmica de arquitetura e urbanismo, Centro de Tecnologia/UFPI.



How to Cite

Lopes, W. G. R., Alves, M. R. da S., & Sousa, G. de B. (2007). The configuration of the public street interfering in the use of the plaza: the case of housing developments in Teresina. Paisagem E Ambiente, 23, 174-183.