Landscape plan for the town of Cubatão, SP, Brazil


  • Cíntia Maria Afonso



Landscape planning. Environmental planning. Coastal zone.


This study proposes a landscape plan for the town of Cubatão, which is situated on the coastal zone of São Paulo State, in Brazil. Both socioeconomic and natural conditions, taken as dinamic processes of this coastal region, form the base information for planning. The identified environmental and landscape conditions, with its problems and conflicts, leed to the development of main goals and guidelines. The final step is the development of a landscape plan which aim to transform the circulation system, re-distribute social services according to the needs of different social groups, and protect coastal ecosystems, either by conservation or by restoring of degraded areas.


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Author Biography

  • Cíntia Maria Afonso

    Arquiteta, mestre em ciência ambiental e doutora em paisagismo, é professora titular de paisagismo e estudos
    socioambientais em cursos de arquitetura e urbanismo de São Paulo.



How to Cite

Afonso, C. M. (2006). Landscape plan for the town of Cubatão, SP, Brazil. Paisagem E Ambiente, 22, 9-16.