A reta e a curva: a estética da paisagem?


  • Euler Sandeville Junior Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo




There are a common compreension i n landscape architecture that formal design is like a hard human dominance over nature and the organic or informal landscape means total identification with nature. Then I thinkthatthe understandingofthesimbolism in landscape architecture is basic to our compreension of the past masterpiece and to the compreension of the historic relationship between nature, culture and design that is the base to studies about landscape architecture. The kind of contrasts like straight line against curve lines, the rational aganist the organic, are also very common in architecture and urban design and my intention in this paper is to introduce my thinking about these. "Na ilusão o desejo basta a si mesmo; não espera nenhum apoio da experiência * (Rosset, 1989) *Parks and gardens of curves are always new, always revealing new thoughts and new interests in life. Straight lines are copied from the achitect and do not belong to the landscape. They have nothing to do with nature, of which landscaping is a part and out of which art has grown. Landscaping must follow the lines of the tree with its thousands of curves


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Euler Sandeville Junior, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo
    Arquiteto e paisagista, formado em Educação Artística, mestre, doutourando FAUUSP, especialização em ecologia. Professor da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, USP, Universidade São Judas Tadeu, Universidade Bráz Cubas e Universidade Católica de Santos






Cómo citar

Sandeville Junior, E. (1995). A reta e a curva: a estética da paisagem?. Paisagem E Ambiente, 8, 147-173. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2359-5361.v0i8p147-173