Meanings attributed by adolescents to intrafamily sexual violence and assistance in the judiciary
Adolescence, Sex offenses, Psychology, JusticeAbstract
The aim was to know and analyze the meanings of intrafamily sexual violence experienced and the Court support for adolescents who underwent the questioning. A qualitative research study through semi-structured interviews and free observation with nine adolescents aged between 13 and 17 years old, in a specific Court of Childhood and Youth. Data was analyzed using the technique of content analysis, with "Distance and negative”, and "Secondary victimization” pointed out. First, by signifying the intrafamily sexual violence suffered, the adolescent presents memory lapses about what happened, and it shows a wide spectrum of detrimental effects of intrafamily sexual violence. Secondly, it shows that the intervention of the Judiciary Branch has caused secondary victimization, gaps in care, and reproduction of power relationships. It was concluded on the importance to articulate a children and adolescents rights guaranteeing system, considering the new social frameworks, as well as the issue of human development.
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