Validity evidence of the autistic spectrum disorder behavior scale
Autism spectrum disorder, Psychological assessment, ChildrenAbstract
Screening instruments to detect symptoms of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the school setting are still needed. The study aimed to develop the Autistic Spectrum Disorder Behavior Scale (ASD-BS) according to the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – DSM-V. The scale consists of 31 items, divided into communication; social interactions; restrictive, repetitive and ritual behaviors; and other indicators. The content validity included five expert judges and a pilot sample with 29 children between six and 12 years old. The results were shown to be adequate, all items reached agreement rates above 80% and Kappa of 0.84. Exploratory statistical analyzes showed Cronbach's alpha equal to 0.78, sensitivity values ranging from 86 to 93% and specificity from 34 to 100%. ASD-BS is of quick implementation, uses the teacher as an informant and contributes to psychological assessment.
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