Academic performance of immigrant students and teachers’ expectations




Immigration, Competence, Cultural diversity, Academic achievement, Teacher expectations


This paper focuses on whether teachers’ thinking is prophetic, that is, whether these attitudes and actions permeate the students and condition their academic performance. To this end, we analyzed the beliefs of 167 teachers of Early Childhood, Elementary and High School Education in the province of Córdoba (Spain). A questionnaire was used to know the relationship between teachers’ beliefs about immigrant students and their possible influence on academic achievements. In the first place, the findings show the teachers’ lack of confidence in non-native students, a phenomenon that is largely unconscious; in the second place, lower school results in these students in relation to natives; and, finally, an external attributional style in teachers, for whom the families and the organizational resources of the school institution, not them, are the determining factors of school achievement.


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Author Biographies

  • Cristina García-Fernández, Universidad de Córdoba

    Professor of the Education Sciences School at Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba-Andalucía, Spain.

  • Sonia García-Segura, Universidad de Córdoba

    Professor of the Education Sciences School at Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba-Andalucía, Spain.

  • Maria del Carmen Gil-del-Pino, Universidad de Córdoba

    Professor of the Education Sciences School at Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba-Andalucía, Spain.


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School and Educational Psychology

How to Cite

García-Fernández, C., García-Segura, S., & Gil-del-Pino, M. del C. (2021). Academic performance of immigrant students and teachers’ expectations. Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 31, e3126.