Evaluation of self-monitoring in pre-schools with different social repertories
Social skills, Behavior disorders, Preschool studentsAbstract
Difficulties in self-monitoring are potentially related to behavior problems and deficits in social skills. Clarifying these relationships—still little investigated in early childhood—can bring theoretical and practical contributions to child development. This study sought to characterize self-monitoring indicators (self-description, description, and choice of consequences) in preschool children, with different repertoires of social skills and problem behaviors. A total of 53 preschool children (5–6 years-old), of both sexes and from public schools were assessed by their parents and teachers on social skills and problem behaviors and completed tasks from an Illustrative Self-Monitoring resource. The results indicated: (a) better scores for children with social skills in all self-monitoring indicators; (b) positive correlations of indicators with social skills and negative correlations with internalizing problem behaviors. The possible influence of cognitive and verbal development on outcomes, the usefulness of the Illustrative Self-Monitoring resource to identify existing contingencies, and the importance of promoting self-monitoring in early childhood are discussed.
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