The contrast sensitivity to distincts patterns in pre-school children
contrast sensitivity, preschool children, spatial frequency, radial frequency, forced-choice staircase methodAbstract
In general the FSC is used to characterise the development of the visual perception of material by children. The aim of the present work was to mensure and compare contrast the sensitivity curves to differ then of the radical stimuly (FSCr) and sine-wave gratings (FSC) in pré-school children, usind the psychophysical method of choice-forced for radial and sine-wave gratings stimuli of 0.25; 0.5; 1 and 2 cpd in 4-5 yearold preschool children and young adults using the psychophysical forced-choice staircase method. Fifteen volunteers with corrected-to-normal visual acuity, five in each age range, participated in the experiments. The results showed that the sensitivity improves with the development and that in for all participants the sensitivity was higher for sine-wave gratings than the radial frequencies. These results suggest that the radial and the sine-wave gratings stimuli are processed by different visual areas.Downloads
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