Effectiveness of low cost toothbrushes, with or without dentifrice, in the removal of bacterial plaque in deciduous teeth


  • Symonne Pimentel Castro de Oliveira Lima Parizotto University of São Paulo; School of Dentistry; Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry
  • Célia Regina Martins Delgado Rodrigues University of São Paulo; School of Dentistry; Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry
  • Júlio da Motta Singer University of São Paulo; Institute of Mathematics and Statistics; Department of Statistics
  • Henry Corazza Sef University of São Paulo; Institute of Mathematics and Statistics; Department of Statistics




Toothbrushing, Dental plaque, Prevention & control


The main objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a low cost toothbrush ("monoblock") to that of a conventional toothbrush with and without addition of dentifrice with respect to the removal of dental plaque. Thirty-two 4- to 6-year-old children took part in this study: they were evaluated under four experimental conditions defined by the combinations of the values of two factors, toothbrush (conventional or monoblock) and use of dentifrice (with or without). The effectiveness of the treatments was defined in terms of the reduction of a bacterial plaque index evaluated before and after toothbrushing. No statistically significant differences were detected between the two types of toothbrushes with respect to the reduction of the bacterial plaque index. Similarly, there were no statistical evidences that the use of dentifrice improves the mechanical control of dental plaque. These results are important from a public health point of view, specially in developing countries, where the dissemination of educational and preventive techniques of low cost are fundamental.


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How to Cite

Effectiveness of low cost toothbrushes, with or without dentifrice, in the removal of bacterial plaque in deciduous teeth. (2003). Pesquisa Odontológica Brasileira, 17(1), 17-23. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1517-74912003000100004