Inventions in architecture – an analysis of instant city as an experimental architectural proposal
Instant City. Proposition. Project. Architectural structures. Participation.Abstract
This work investigates how the architectural approach was developed in Instant City, Archigram. It was used as a basis for the theme, the theory and application of Umberto Eco's texts – mainly Absent Structure, with the intention of understanding how the projetual proposal and also the architectonic structure are determined, especially regarding the relationship between the spatial perception, the role of the project for the representation of its proposals and the architectonic approach in the 1960s, for both, the design and the project will be addressed as the subject of research and architectonic approach, analyzing the interests of their creators. We believe that, there had been an interpretation by the group, of the architecture fragmented in objects and a value assigned to the project as a final proposition to Instant City.
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