Creative planning and social sustainability




Creative planning. Social sustainability. Territorial planning. Proactive approach. Multilevel governance.


This text presents the paradigmatic case called Cantinho do Céu, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as an illustration of how extrapolating the concepts of "Creative Planning" and the "social" pillar of sustainability further than the shallow usual capitalistic practices can lead to sustainable development change. The project, which started in 2008, deals with a precarious settlement illegally seated in an environmental protection area, result of the unplanned and disorganized urban sprawl of the city. The study explains how the overcoming of orthodox and restrictive processes of planning practices was possible through interdisciplinary knowledge, collective actions, proactive approach and creative planning, which helped to recognize the existence of a consolidated settlement as a potential tissue to build up a place where social, environmental and economic pillars work together. The debates and negotiations between top and bottom players were essential to materialize the social-ecological coexistence, enhancing social interaction and the care of the community about the environment, recovering its inter and intra generational attributes and seeking to integrate the informal settlement into the formal city.


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How to Cite

Teles, T. O. (2016). Creative planning and social sustainability. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 23(40), 66-79.