Perception model SENS|ORG|INT in architecture: a case study on the colors used in Ceta Ecotel Macapá, Brazil


  • Paula Csillag Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing. São Paulo, SP.
  • Tilia Monte de Almeida Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo. São Paulo, SP.



Color. Architecture. Perception.


The aim of this article is to present a study on how the use of colors on the internal and external architectural environments of a Brazilian hotel affected consumer behavior. The results are analyzed in terms of SENS|ORG|INT Model, which differentiates physiological aspects of color human response from cultural and interpretive aspects (CSILLAG, 2008). The study was conducted at Ceta Ecotel, an ecological hotel at the city of Macapá on the northeastern coast of Brazil. The methodology was of a case study (YIN, 2004), using a triangulation process, crossing information obtained from three points of view: a qualitative & quantitative questionnaire with 50 employees of the hotel, including the owners, a qualitative & quantitative questionnaire with 640 guests of the hotel, and analyses of the data obtained using SENS|ORG|INT Model of Perception. Results show consumers’ most and least preferred colors for the environment. Results indicated reasons for the most and least preferred colors, presenting suggestions for future use of colors in architectural projects.


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How to Cite

Csillag, P., & Almeida, T. M. de. (2017). Perception model SENS|ORG|INT in architecture: a case study on the colors used in Ceta Ecotel Macapá, Brazil. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 24(43), 98-111.