Padrões de ocupação do solo e microclimas urbanos na região de clima tropical continental


  • Denise Duarte



The subject of this research is the urban microclimate in cities of the brazilian continental tropical region. According to the principle that there is a correlation between urban microclimates and urban occupation, the objective is to numerically measure the correlation between air temperature and variables that are familiar to urban planning strategies, which can be controlled by municipal regulations. Qualitative and quantitative descriptions of the urban variables are made, as air temperature and humidity measurements registered along the day for the two main seasons. The results show that with variables related to the built density; the correlation was positive when referred to air temperature, and reflected the greater influence of built density at night, what is in accord with the existing theory. On the other hand, using trees and water, the correlation was negative, when related to air temperature, in all periods


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Author Biography

  • Denise Duarte
    Doutora pela FAUUSP


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How to Cite

Duarte, D. (2000). Padrões de ocupação do solo e microclimas urbanos na região de clima tropical continental. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 9, 88-107.