Historia Urbana: breve histórico da constituição de uma área de conhecimento


  • Luís Octávio da Silva Silva Université du Québec à Montreal-Canadá




The aim of this article is to highlight and analyse the main events, markers and cases in point and discussions concerning the emergence of urban history as a specific field of knowledge. Our focus will be on the events of international impact. This article is mainly based on british and american literature due to the innovative role played by these two countries in the development of historical analysis concerning the city, as well as the diffusion potential given by the language on which these contributions were made. In this work our interest will be more on the marks and references concerning the constitution of this knowledge field rather than the historiographic production itself


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Author Biography

  • Luís Octávio da Silva Silva, Université du Québec à Montreal-Canadá
    Urbanista, mestre em Administração Pública (FGV-São Paulo), doutorando em Estudos Urbanos (Université du Québec à Montreal-Canadá) e bolsista da Capes (Brasília/Brasil)





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How to Cite

Silva, L. O. da S. (2000). Historia Urbana: breve histórico da constituição de uma área de conhecimento. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 9, 210-222. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-2762.v0i9p210-222