The high-rise building and the urban design: the competition for 5a. avenida building




High-rise building, Paulista Avenue, 5th Avenue Building, Pedro Paulo de Melo Saraiva, Abelardo de Souza


The article proposes a reflection on the relationship between the design of the building and the design of the city by analyzing the proposals presented in the 5th Avenue Building competition in 1958, at Paulista Avenue, by Pedro Paulo de Melo Saraiva and
Abelardo de Souza, respectively first and second placed. The main objective is to analyze the material presented by architects seeking to understand the proposed solutions for the buildings and the relations established with the urban space of the Avenue. Both projects are based on the same principle of spatial organization – an office tower placed on a commercial basement -, however, with very different formal developments and urban insertions. The competition period features a moment of intense transformation on Paulista Avenue. The beginning of the verticalization process is accompanied by a change in uses and relationships between buildings and public space. Saraiva builds the discourse of the project by proposing a reflection on the verticalization of Paulista and the possibilities that opened up, extrapolates the solution of a specific problem giving a broader meaning to the contest. 


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Author Biography

  • André Luiz Tura Nunes, Centro Universitário FIAM-FAAM

    Arquiteto formado pela FAU USP 2011 e professor de Projeto de Arquitetura no Centro Universitário FIAM FAAM. Pesquisa de mestrado em andamento na FAU USP na área de concentração de Projeto de Arquitetura e linha de pesquisa Arquitetura e Cidade.


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How to Cite

Nunes, A. L. T. (2019). The high-rise building and the urban design: the competition for 5a. avenida building. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 26(48), e142931.