The neocapitalist city of Lefebvre in the 21st century: shapes change, but the essence remains




Urban, City, Capitalism, Inequality


This article makes a brief reflection on how capitalism, through contemporary urbanism, constructs its logic of domination in the neocapitalist city, taking into account Henri Lefebvre’s ideas, especially those used in his work The right to the city, which exposes a continuous process of selection of original civic functions of the pre-capitalist city, shaping urban city through a vision of the formation of “profitable” cities that compete with a global theater of speculation, marginalization and urban inequality. The beginning will present a small part of the construction on the innovation of Marxist thought, through the work Das Kapital of Marx himself, and The Problem of Method by Jean-Paul Sartre. The logo will then carry out an analysis of leftist thinking about a form of capitalist domination that will be implemented through urbanization processes.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, L. C. F. (2020). The neocapitalist city of Lefebvre in the 21st century: shapes change, but the essence remains. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 27(50), e164056.