Impacts of City Morphology on the Microclimatic Conditions of Consolidated Urban Areas in São Paulo during Hot Days




Thermal conditions, Open urban space, Urban microclimate, Urban morphology


The goal of this project is the investigation of the potential impacts that different urban morphological compositions of settlements in consolidated urban areas can cause on local microclimate conditions during hot days as perceived on the pedestrian scale. The evaluation is based on the survey of empirical data, established on computer simulations of the thermal conditions of open urban environments of examples of different districts of São Paulo, using the ENVI-met software, calibrated from empirical measurements of microclimate variables in existing environments of the city. The results of the evaluations allow the verification of microclimate variables found in each location in comparison with the characteristics of each urban occupation of the different models, which makes it possible to understand how the different urban morphologies respond to the same climatic conditions. Therefore, this project verifies some of the main impacts that the distributions, shapes, geometries and interactions of buildings can have on the microclimate of our cities during hot days, taking as an example representative neighborhoods of São Paulo.


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Author Biographies

  • Leonardo Marques Monteiro, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo

    Associate Professor at the Technology Department of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo - FAUUSP. Coordinator of the Laboratory of Environmental Comfort and Energy Efficiency - LABAUT. Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo - FAUUSP (2002) and Bachelor / Degree in Letters (Portuguese and English) from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences / Faculty of Education of the University of São Paulo - FFLCH- USP / FE-USP (2007). PhD in Architecture Technology from FAUUSP (2008), with a research internship at Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development - OISD. Post-doctor by the Department of Technology of FAUUSP (2011) with research internship at Kyoto University - KYODAI (2009) and University of California at Berkeley - UCB (2010). Professor by the Department of Technology of FAUUSP (2018). Reviewer of the journals Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings, Climate Research, Technical Transactions Journal of Civil Engineering, Sustainable Habitat, Built Environment, among others. Associate editor of the Brazilian Journal of Occupational Health. Ad hoc advisor to the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Ibero American Science and Technology for Development Program and National Council of Science and Technology. Fellow at Precourt Energy Efficiency Center, Stanford University. Researcher at the Research Support Center (NAP) on Climate Change - INCLINE. Member of the Iberoamerican Science and Technology for Development Program - CYTED, Thematic Network: Energy. PLEA Associate. Has experience in Architecture and Urbanism, with emphasis on Environmental Adequacy.

  • Gabriel Bonansea de Alencar Novaes, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo

    Master in Architecture Technology from the University of São Paulo (USP), focusing on Environmental Performance, Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in buildings and in the urban environment. Graduated from the Dual Degree Program in Architecture and Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism and from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP). Auditor of Fundação Vanzolini for AQUA-HQE Certification for High Environmental Quality in Construction, Quality Management Systems (NBR ISO 9001) and A2S Certification - Safe and Healthy Environment, Technical Manager of the Brazilian Energy Efficiency Labeling Program in Buildings (PBE EDIFICA), in addition to direct action in the EPD Brasil Environmental Product Declaration Program and in audits and conformity assessments in the areas of accessibility, sustainability and energy efficiency. Qualifying for audits of Environmental Management Systems (NBR ISO 14001) and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (NBR ISO 45001).


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Dossiê: Meio ambiente e espaço construído: ideias, técnicas e processos

How to Cite

Monteiro, L. M., & Novaes, G. B. de A. . (2021). Impacts of City Morphology on the Microclimatic Conditions of Consolidated Urban Areas in São Paulo during Hot Days. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 27(51), e168232.