Modern wood architecture: the house of architect and sculptor Abrão Assad




Architect Abrão Assad, Modern architecture in Curitiba, Modern architecture in wood


Abrão Assad (1940-), architect and sculptor, contributed for the development of architecture and modern art in Curitiba. This work aims to provide historiographical documentation and conduct a descriptive analysis of the architectural design of his residence. Constructed in 1979 by Assad, the house is located on a large plot surrounded by native forest and is characterized by the use of structural wooden components. In addition to materiality, the work also stands out for the architectural decision adopted, a solution that refers to the Dom-ino system of Le Corbusier and the “apartment houses” of the Escola Paulista. The article is initially structured with a description of the insertion of modern concepts in the Curitiba’s architecture, the architect’s biography,
his references and other projects carried out. For the project documentation, the procedures adopted were based on the existing bibliography and afterwards on the digital redesign of the original
design through plans, sections and the use of isometrics/diagrams for analysis. In a second part, images that have not yet been published and that were provided by the architect’s collection are presented.


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How to Cite

Sanquetta, F. T. I. (2021). Modern wood architecture: the house of architect and sculptor Abrão Assad. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 28(53), e176630.