House, a feminine noun: representating architectural spaces in Casa e Jardim and Casa Claudia in age the great magazines


  • Rafael Alves Pinto Junior Instituto Federal de Goiás



Periodicals, Modernist architecture, Imaginary


The emergence of magazines focusing on architecture and aimed at the general public, such as Casa e jardim in the 1950s and Casa Claudia in the 1970s, represented the creation of a culture of living associated with domestic spaces and the values this space represents as a typological object after the second half of the 20th century. Among other things, it affirmed the values of the social roles of women and architecture as the depository of the attributes of privacy and intimacy: the locus of family, memory and affection. The magazines set the tone for representing the architectural space as an area for living, legitimizing behaviors while exercising an aesthetic pedagogy, ushering in a culture associated with living and establishing a source for imagined ways of building in Brazil. By affirming an image of civilization, both Casa e jardim and Casa Claudia became a benchmark for other periodicals devoted to this theme.


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How to Cite

Pinto Junior, R. A. (2011). House, a feminine noun: representating architectural spaces in Casa e Jardim and Casa Claudia in age the great magazines. Pós. Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo Da FAUUSP, 18(30), 120-137.