Subjectivity and labor

or how changes in capitalism have affected the constitution of subjects


  • Izabela Loner Santana Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC



Labor, Neoliberalism, Subjectivity, Capitalism


ABSTRACT: This essay aims to consider the relation between subjectivity and labor in contemporary capitalism. In order to do so, I resort to Maurizio Lazzarato’s and Antonio Negri’s
theory of immaterial labor, as put forward in their texts of the 1990s, revealing their optimism regarding contemporary laboring conditions and its openness to emancipation; as
well as the work of Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval on neoliberal reason and how it undermined even that possible opening regarding emancipation indicated by Lazzarato and
Negri. Such reflection, therefore, intends to show how capital’s oppression and domination
deepened in a different scenario from that anticipated at the beginning of neoliberalism.




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How to Cite

Santana, I. L. (2020). Subjectivity and labor: or how changes in capitalism have affected the constitution of subjects. Primeiros Escritos, 10(1), 103-125.