On educational forms in Hippias Minor


  • Cleiton Lopes Rodrigues Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas




Plato, Hippias, Education, Poetry, Elenkhos


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the argumentative moves in Hippias Minor in order to confirm the hypothesis that the dialogue is part of a Platonic effort to place his philosophy in a classification of wisdom different from that of the culture of his time, establishing an opposition between his proposal and the moral models dictated by Homer's poetry. To do that, it is intended, on the one hand, to present the distinctions between poetry as a central form of education in the Hellenic world, with the sophist Hippias as representative of this tradition, and, on the other hand, Socrates' philosophical proposal as a way of rebutting values and conventional beliefs, and how to awake to a new model of intellectual and moral life.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, C. L. . (2021). On educational forms in Hippias Minor. Primeiros Escritos, 11(1), 109-121. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2594-5920.primeirosescritos.2020.178953

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