A photographic fable: “The Adventures of Guille and Belinda” and the affective passage of time


  • Milena de Oliveira Silva Universidade de São Paulo




Alessandra Sanguinetti, family album, Photography, time, Visual Anthropology


This article seeks to broaden the possible discussions about the series of artistic photographs entitled "The Adventures of Guille and Belinda", by photographer Alessandra Sanguinetti, mainly with regard to an analysis of the time that these images convey, which is marked by
aective relationships. The reections raised here seek to think about the construction of time through the images
taken by Sanguinetti and how this time also ends up creating a composition analogous to a "family album", using the author Eugênio Bucci and some theories on photography and anthropology as a reference.


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Author Biography

  • Milena de Oliveira Silva, Universidade de São Paulo

    Graduanda em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade de São Paulo


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How to Cite

Silva, M. de O. . (2024). A photographic fable: “The Adventures of Guille and Belinda” and the affective passage of time. Primeiros Estudos, 11, e00112007. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2237-2423.v11i1pe00112007