Bolívar Echeverría: Latin American baroque modernity




Modernities, Ethos, Baroque, Codigophagy, Company of Jesus


The Ecuadorian / Mexican philosopher and sociologist Bolívar Echeverría develops an original theory within Latin American critical Marxism, starting from the contradiction between use value and exchange value, a contradiction that in the times of contemporary capitalism means generating a concrete and particular ethos or behaviour that allows us to live objectively and subjectively the unlivable, capitalism. The philosopher finds different modernities that are dialectically linked to the concrete ethos that arise spontaneously to live the contradiction posed by the hegemony of capitalism in the world of life located in different historical periods: realistic, romantic, classical and baroque modernity. The latter being the particular type in which Latin American societies experience contemporary capitalism, a configuration product of the unique historical evolution of our societies, mainly what happened during the XVI and XVII centuries, in the process of constitution of a global capitalist colonial system. His gaze inquiries about our being, our constitution and the desperate search for alternative modernities to the capitalist. In this article a critical dialogue is carried out with and about the theory proposed by the author on Baroque Modernity as the singular form of reproduction of the life of Latin American societies in contemporary capitalism. The present investigation is reproduced between the heterodox Marxism of Latin America and the influence of the critical theory of origin in Frankfurt.


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Author Biography

  • César Miguel Salinas Ramos, Universidad do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Programa de Ciencias Sociales

     Doctorando en la Universidad do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS) en el Programa de Ciencias Sociales. Becario del programa de Pós-Graduação de Instituições Comunitárias de Educação Superior - PROSUC /CAPES Este trabajo resultó de la investigación de maestría en Estética y Filosofía del Arte, en la Universidad Federal de Ouro Preto. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Ramos, C. M. S. (2021). Bolívar Echeverría: Latin American baroque modernity. Brazilian Journal of Latin American Studies, 20(39), 28-53.