Legal protection of the ludopath and liberation of gambling
a comparative analysis between Brazil, Colombia and Spain
Gambling, Pathological gambling, Brazil, Colombia, SpainAbstract
he objective of this work is to analyze the tutelage of the ludopath based on the treatment of gambling observed by the Brazilian, Colombian and Spanish legal systems, deepening, from the method of comparative law, the contrast between health and criminal policies aimed at individuals. Diagnosed with so-called pathological gambling. In these terms, initially, we will work with the theme of liberation of games of chance and the use of pathological gambling as an argument in favor of the imposition of limits on its economic exploitation, if not of the prohibition of the practice. Then, we will analyze the treatment of gambling and ludopaths observed by the selected countries, highlighting the contrast between incentive and banning gambling policies and their consequences for the health policy aimed at treating pathological gambling. Finally, we will analyze, from the foregoing, the argument of pathological gambling used to the promotion of criminal policies, at times as a matter of public health. In conclusion, we will seek to present the disconnection of the health policy from the criminalization of economic activity.
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