About Hannah Arendt: ethics and rationality in contemporary society


  • Eda Terezinha de Oliveira Tassara Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Psicologia; Departamento de Psicologia Social e do Trabalho
  • Neuza Abbud Universidade Nove de Julho




This work aims to reflect on how to overcome obstacles that confront the ability to think rationally: the intellectual capacity involving the reflexive abstraction and its elaboration in the corresponding argument. It begins with the statement that if it is observed, on the one hand, an increase in the verbalized colloquial thought logical complexity, on the other hand it is noticed a lack of competence in the intellectual analytic operations of the rational processes underlying it. In other words, nurtured by the knowledge processes and products the abstract and deductive thinking generated from the scientific-technical field, the contemporary rationality would communicate with society in a neutralized way under the form of social representation which is, therefore, tinged with ideological contributions, uncritical irrationalities and/or rationalizations. Thus, this work intends to reflect on how to subsidize overcoming obstacles to the entire exercise of universal reason and/or of hermeneutic rationality, equipping counterpoints to impediments created by ignorance or by negativity or else by dogmatic thinking cores.


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How to Cite

About Hannah Arendt: ethics and rationality in contemporary society . (2016). Psicologia USP, 27(2), 273-281. https://doi.org/10.1590/0103-656420130045