Families and Violence: Reflections on the Mothers of "Acary"


  • Rita de Cássia Santos Freitas Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Serviço Social




Family, Motherhood, Violence, Social movements


In the nineties, news which depict women, especially mothers, demonstrating for justice at squares and in the streets, reached reasonable repercussion. What joined this women was the violence that had tore them apart from their children, who had died or been kidnapped. I believe that by participating in these movements, women have been led to redefine and transform their gender identities as well as open new dimensions to maternity. Thus, this notion of experience became the core of my study. It was from this point of view that I could see the constructing of a new representation of motherhood. First from the newspapers and later by interviewing these mothers. My analysis turned to the leading role in political activity undertaken by working class women from their very traditional position in the family which is usually seen as been deprived of a political dimension. By means of these women's own words and selected images, this study aims to rescue the way in which violence is felt by them as it becomes part of their lives. For that purpose, I used interviews and newspapers' clippings selected by themselves that belonged to their memory albums. The image of women in fight, of mothers that are struggling, was where I started from; and I seek in this paper to question the impacts and contradictions, the continuities and ruptures that this representation brings in itself.


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Dossier: Family

How to Cite

Families and Violence: Reflections on the Mothers of "Acary" . (2002). Psicologia USP, 13(2), 69-103. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0103-65642002000200006