Organic Symptom Diagnosis and Interpretatiton.


  • Renata Volich Eisenbruch


Palabras clave:

Disorders. Diagnostic and statistical manual. Anguish. Affectionate. Unconscious.


Psychoanalysis underlines the subjectivity of the body, the affects which can dwell in the body, particularly anxiety. The diagnosis of some organic pathologies cannot be made by the scanner but by the discourse. If we wish to talk about the body which is affected by the organic pathology, we come to the fact that the living body does not exist without the incidences of the unconscious in the body. This will lead us not only to the “jouissance” but also to the unconscious desire as a vector that starts from the maternal Other and can make an irruption in the child’s body. The symptom is also the part of the “jouissance” that for each one subtracts itself from the homeostasis that the symbolic can offer. The mystery of the organic pathology indicates that the patients we find in the clinic do not necessarily fit into the model, which results from statistical calculations. The statistical misfortune of each pathology does not represent each individual tragedy.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Renata Volich Eisenbruch
    Psicanalista, doutora pela Universidade de Paris





Artículos Originales

Cómo citar

Organic Symptom Diagnosis and Interpretatiton. (2000). Psicologia USP, 11(1), 137-153.