M onitoring and Evaluating Graduate Courses: Some Thoughts About Requirements and Criteria.


  • Ana M. A. Carvalho Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Psicologia



Palabras clave:

Postgraduate training. Evaluation. Courses. Teacher education. Researchers.


On the basis of the results of a survey of the first 25 years of the graduate course on Experimental Psychology of the IPUSP (1974-1990), this paper discusses some issues which emerged as relevant for the consideration of m onitoring and evaluation procedures regarding graduate courses. The identity of the course is discussed in terms of main themes, epistem ologic approach and nature of the formation provided to the students; the dynam ics of the course is dealt with through the consideration of the diversity of regulating factors - such as teachers availability, evolution of research areas, students’ demand - which affect the course’s production, the main target of the current evaluation procedures. Self-monitoring is pointed out as a necessary tool for the validation or for the questioning of external evaluations. Some currently neglected evaluation criteria such as students’ participation in the scientific production of the course, its evaluation by the students, and the professional perform ance o f graduated students, are suggested.


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Artículos Originales

Cómo citar

M onitoring and Evaluating Graduate Courses: Some Thoughts About Requirements and Criteria. (2001). Psicologia USP, 12(1), 203-221. https://doi.org/10.1590/psicousp.v12i1.108130