What companies can learn from unicorn startups to overcome the COVID-19 crisis


  • Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, PPGA/ESPM
  • Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, PPGA/ESPM




Unicorn startups, Business Model Innovation, Covid-19


Objective. To search measures that unicorn startups have implemented during the pandemic and show what lessons can be learned to help entrepreneurs and small and medium businesses to overcome the crisis.


Design/methodology/approach. The method is a multiple case study with five unicorn startups. We collected data through interviews and analyzed them by the content analysis technique.


Results. They show that the pandemic affects negatively unicorns’ businesses; that a digital business model innovation affects them positively; and that innovations moderate positively the negative impact of the crisis.


Limitations/research implications. Most interviewees hold operational positions.


Practical implications. Three actions stand out to overcome the crisis: adoption of new digital platforms; strategies to increase the network of partners; and adaptations in the provision of payment services.


Originality/value. The cases show that entrepreneurs and SMEs need to develop capabilities to innovate in their business models, and digitalization is a solution to face the crisis and overcome it in the future.



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How to Cite

What companies can learn from unicorn startups to overcome the COVID-19 crisis. (2023). INMR - Innovation & Management Review, 20(3), 211-226. https://doi.org/10.1108/INMR-01-2021-0011