DOI: 10.5585/rai.v7i2.410


  • Nelsio Rodrigues de Abreu Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Renata F. Baldanza Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Gabriela Calheiros Gomes Ribeiro Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Nayron Henrique Santana Almeida Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Alcides Carlos de Araujo Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL


Marketing, Communication, Gender, Internet.


This research had as an objective to analyze the communication on the internet directed to distinct genders, as a form of direct marketing strategies appropriated to the profile of each segment . Four starting points were the bases that sustained this research: a) social values, which involve a scale of variables linked to the context in which the individual is inserted. This also is applied to social and cultural influences; b) life and time factors, which which influence the ways as how men and women use their time;c) synthesizer dynamics, where we analyze the capability of processing information, and; d) communication patterns that point to different patterns and expressions in communication. The data collection, with a quantitative focus, was realized through a structured on-line questionnaire, reaching a sample, with a reliable margin of 95%. The participants in the study were selected through social communities of online . The results obtained showed that differences of perception exist between men and women regarding communication on the Internet and they highlighted that women were more aware of the lack of information provided on Internet sites and most of the men spent very little time on sites that did not provide sufficient information and did not go back to these sites.


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Author Biographies

  • Nelsio Rodrigues de Abreu, Universidade Federal de Alagoas
    Doutor em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Lavras, UFLA, Brasil Professor da Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL
  • Renata F. Baldanza, Universidade Federal de Alagoas
    Doutoranda em Comunicação pela Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA Professora da Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL
  • Gabriela Calheiros Gomes Ribeiro, Universidade Federal de Alagoas
    Graduanda do curso de Administração pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL
  • Nayron Henrique Santana Almeida, Universidade Federal de Alagoas
    Graduando do curso de Administração pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL Grupo de Pesquisa: Gestão de Pessoas e Tecnologias, GEPET, Brasil
  • Alcides Carlos de Araujo, Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL
    Graduando do curso de Administração pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL Grupo de Pesquisa: Gestão de Pessoas e Tecnologias, GEPET, Brasil






How to Cite

STUDY OF GENDER PERCEPTION OF COMMUNICATION ON INTERNET SITES DOI: 10.5585/rai.v7i2.410. (2010). INMR - Innovation & Management Review, 7(2), 60-79.