Assessment and valuation of technologies, development and application of Valorativo software


  • Instituto Federal do Piauí - IFPI, Teresina
  • Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS, São Cristóvão


Palabras clave:

Patent valuation, Patent assessment, Public research institutions, Valorativo, Software


Purpose – Although Public Research Institutions (PRIs) are large technology producers, they lack automated
information tools that follow technical and scientific criteria for assessing and valuing patents. The assessment
and valuation processes are stages of technology transfer (TT) that make it possible to obtain productive
arrangements and guide the efforts of those involved in the development, maintenance and negotiation.
This study aims to analyze the hybrid model of assessment and valuation of technologies by Soares (2018),
applying the ‘Valorativo’ software. In addition to patent value and indicator scores, the methods allow an
understanding of the technology portfolio and its management.
Design/methodology/approach – This research is quali-quantitative, following an approach of applied
nature and descriptive objectives. The research has bibliographical, documental and case study features based
on the software development methodologies described in the study and the theoretical framework.
Findings – The Valorativo software assisted in the analysis of ten patents on PRIs. With the data collection
and patent analysis, PAT1 scored highest among engineering patents, PAT3 scored highest among
pharmaceutical patents and PAT10 scored highest among biotechnology patents. Five of the assessed patents
resulted in a surplus of net present value (NPV), final net present value (NPVF) and royalties; revenue
expectations outpaced investments.
Practical implications – The authors based the developed software on Soares’s (2018) methodology, with
additional calculations and graphs. The Web software and the spreadsheet with Visual Basic for Application
(VBA) were developed to deal with the patents assessment and valuation, helping in the analysis of their Legal
Value, Technological Value and Market Conditions in the assessment process, and the Discounted Cash Flow
and NPV in the valuation process.
Originality/value – The software helps with patent analysis and can generate indicators for traders,
technology holders and researchers. Thus, it was necessary to understand and develop a theoretical-applied
framework to outline and replicate the methodology clearly and easily.


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Cómo citar

Assessment and valuation of technologies, development and application of Valorativo software. (2023). INMR - Innovation & Management Review, 20(4), 331-352.